Our job is to provide you with the necessary tools and supports so that you can inspire your community to share the gift of life. We work with many advocacy groups including donor families, community volunteers, faith leaders, health care professionals, youth and non-governmental organizations, government, and supportive private sector companies.
BeADonor Month occurs every April across Ontario. It can be a rewarding way to give back to your community. If you have a social media account, you can share our posts to help raise awareness about organ and tissue donation and transplantation.
This BeADonor Month, help us spread the word about the importance of registering to become an organ and tissue donor.
Proclamation templates
Want to see your city or town recognize April as BeADonor Month? Download our English and/or French proclamation template. Follow the proclamation request guidelines outlined on your city or town's website.
Hospital Communications Toolkit
Hospitals can download the bilingual BeADonor Month Communications Toolkit below.
1. Key messages
2. Myths and misconceptions
3. Downloadable materials
4. Marketing materials
5. Social media graphics and posts
Footage Tip Sheet for BeADonor Month video
Download our footage tip sheet in English and/or French if you would like to submit a self-filmed video for possible inclusion in our annual BeADonor Month wrap-up video.
Social Media Graphics
Download our social media graphics (below) and share them via your social media accounts throughout April. Not sure what to say when posting these graphics? Download our bilingual social media graphic and messaging document.
Make sure you're following us on Facebook , Twitter, Instagram , and LinkedIn . Tag #BeADonor in all of your BeADonor Month posts.
Here is your opportunity to join other communities across the province and help increase awareness for organ and tissue donation. Activities can range from on-campus awareness, workplace health and safety seminars, institutional health fairs, lay and professional association meetings, to community service club presentations. It just takes one person to get the momentum going and that one person could be you!
Please download and complete the Community Event Form. This form asks for the coordinator’s name, the date, time and location of your event, and the number of people you expect to attend. Complete this information early to receive requested materials and/or to book your speaker in time for your event. Once you have answered all of the questions on the form, please forward to the email noted at the end of the form. If your event is a public event, TGLN will post it on the Calendar of Events page of this site.
TGLN has seen incredible growth in community events across the province and, with this, an increase in the number of requests for financial support. To better meet this growth, we are pleased to offer a sustainable, accountable and equitable approach to your support requests. Please click here to review guidelines and apply for funding. If you have any questions, please email infoLine@ontarioheath.ca. Thank you for your submission!
Poster Instructions English
Poster Instructions French
Poster (Version 1)
Chinese (Traditional)
Chinese (Simplified)